Grabbing a game, ordering a drink, and sitting around a table enjoying games they haven’t played for years will keep people in your bar for hours. Board GamesĬlassic board games are making a big comeback with people as they move away from digital games to the real thing. Keep track of player scores and offer a gift card once a week to top players and teams. If you have the room, set up four dartboards for tournaments. You’ll also need to factor in clearance space around the table for players to use pool sticks.ĭarts require less space – any free wall space out of the main traffic area will work with an official throwing line of 7 feet 9 ¼ inches.
If you have the space, both of these games can add energy to your bar and quickly build up a group of regular clientele.įor pool, you’ll need to have available room in your bar since even smaller billiard tables take up a sizeable amount of space. Pool and darts are still two of the most popular games played in bars around the world whether you’re hosting a league or your customers are just enjoying a friendly night of competition.